Skelton YFC
Aug 30, 2023 • General
Skelton YFC’s have kick started the 2023/24 NFYFC calendar already, with over 35 members attending the club’s first club meeting.
A Farm Walk held on Tuesday 29th August at Bridge End Farm, Kirkby Thore, by kind permission of Colin, Yvonne and Mark Dent.
Members thoroughly enjoyed the tour, listening and learning how the Dent family manage their 1,200 milking cows and then all the calves. Members were very impressed with the ever-expanding line of calf sheds. Colin and Mark talked about the history of the farm and how they have expanded to the current size. Alfie kindly pointed out to members the Yorkshire boarding he crashed into whilst he worked at Bridge End!
Members finished off the evening by watching the cows being milked on the rotary parlour before heading upstairs for refreshments and conducting the club’s business meeting.
The club has lots of keen members for upcoming competitions, which is always great to see. A very warm welcome was given to some new faces to the club, who we hope will return. Skelton YFC’s next meeting will be on Tuesday 12th September at Hutton End Village Hall at 7.30pm for a Quiz and Games night.