Kenya's Over and Out

Aug 21, 2023  •  General

Eden Valley Chair Hector Meanwell returns from Kenya.

Wow what an amazing experience Hector has had through Project Abroad and NFYFC. It all started off with an open top safari and a trip to the Sambur Nomadic Tribe.  Then followed by 2 weeks of volunteering which included cooking for vulnerable children, planting crops (maize, beans and potatoes) at the school to feed the kids, handing out donations, malnutrition assessments and spending lots of time playing with the children.  

The group of volunteers then went off to the local hospital to help with soil preparation and planting thousands of cabbages, spinach and carrots and ensuring lots of irrigation to keep them all growing!  A day was spent at a medical out reach providing essential aid to the remote tribes, including treating them for Jiggers, disinfecting their homes, general health checks and lots of eye and respiratory issues.

After the volunteering, the group had a jam packed schedule, which included to list a few; a trip to an organic farm, seeing how they have adapted to using no fertiliser and pesticides including a horse back ride round some elephants!  A visit to a local church to witness all the singing, dancing and preaching, a pizza and bonfire night, a traditional Friday night bar and grill in the town, walking safari up the mountains to jump in the glacier melt pools followed by a canopy walk over the forest and so much more.

Hector's main highlights of the trip were definitely spending time in the primary school and seeing how the locals lived.  Everyone was so welcoming and happy to see and spend time with us all. 

It just goes to show, you don't need to have loads of possessions to be happy, although if anyone does have any old shoes and clothes, Hector strongly advises donating them to projects abroad to help prevent from Jiggers and infections.  (If you feel brave Hector says google Jiggers).

Hector thanks NFYFC and Projects Aboard for the opportunity and was grateful to experience Kenya with such a great bunch of people.

Kenya's Over and Out